Blood in your urine (haematuria)

Cancers of the kidney and bladder kill nearly as many people in the UK as breast cancer yet they have nothing like its profile, and the cardinal sign of trouble – blood in the urine – isn’t always taken as seriously as it should be.

Testosterone replacement for men – my views

Testosterone deficiency, or low-T as it is popularly known in America, has long polarised medical opinion. Testosterone evangelists promote it as the panacea to middle-aged woes like poor sex drive, grumpiness and lack of energy, while at the other extreme sceptics regard supplementation as the unacceptable medicalisation of natural ageing. But who is right?

Don’t forget your malaria tablets

Taken from The Times 10th December 2013 Forty-seven year old Jayne Rowley is the latest Briton to have died from malaria, and her demise last month should be a warning for anyone planning a trip to an exotic location; never underestimate the threat posed by malaria....

Cheap Viagra – generic versus branded drugs

Things are looking up this month (July 2013) for the hundreds of thousands of British men who depend on Viagra. The cost of the drug is set to plummet as manufacturer Pfizer’s patent expires and rival companies release cheaper generic versions offering the same...

A quick guide to treating hay fever

  Who gets hay fever? Hay fever is now the most common long-term illness in Britain. It typically develops in childhood and is most troublesome in 15 – 25 year olds – one in 4 British teenagers now have the condition. The number of GP consultations for...

The right start? Supplements during pregnancy

Most parents’ idea of giving their child the best start naturally centres on post-natal issues like breastfeeding and a safe nurturing environment, but important though these are, other factors can influence their offspring’s long-term future long before they are...