UPDATE: a fresh look at the same topic from 6:2.18 courtesy of The Times
Testosterone deficiency, or low-T as it is popularly known in America, has long polarised medical opinion. Testosterone evangelists promote it as the panacea to middle-aged woes like poor sex drive, grumpiness and lack of energy, while at the other extreme sceptics regard supplementation as the unacceptable medicalisation of natural ageing. But who is right?
Neither of them in my opinion, which is why I welcome new guidance from the British Society for Sexual Medicine which treads a path between these two extremes, confirming that testosterone deficiency is both real and common, but that not every man with low levels needs hormones to boost them.
Testosterone deficiency can occur at any age and for a number of different reasons, but the bulk of the new guidance is aimed at the age-related decline seen in men over-40. It is estimated that around 1in 10 men of this age has a low or borderline testosterone level, but that only 1 in 50 needs testosterone supplements. So how do you decide who does and who doesn’t?
Sexual problems , such as reduced libido and difficulties getting an erection, are the most common symptoms of low-T, but others include fatigue, poor sleep and depression. All can be caused by myriad other problems common in middle age – not least stress – but where sexual dysfunction is prominent, a blood test to measure testosterone levels should always be part of the routine investigation. And because testosterone levels vary throughout the day (they are highest in the morning) it is important to take blood at the right time (before 11am according to the new guidelines).
If the result comes back as 12 nmol/l or higher then testosterone deficiency is unlikely to be the cause of the man’s complaints. And if the reading is lower than 8 (and it should be repeated at least once to confirm this) then testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is likely to be required. As ever in medicine it is the grey area in between – a reading between 8 and 12 – that confuses both doctor and patient.
Men with higher readings (12 or more) generally only need reassurance. Those with levels under 8 should be referred to a specialist to decide if TRT is appropriate and what type (typically gel or patch) and dose. While those men in-between (8-12) need further blood tests to check how much of their circulating testosterone is actually available (so-called free testosterone) before dismissing supplementation as some of them will still benefit.
In many men with borderline readings their lowish levels of testosterone are simply a marker of their general health. If you are overweight, have type 2 diabetes, drink too much alcohol, or regularly take opiate based painkillers (such as codeine) then your testosterone level is likely to be on the low side. Equally if you are slim, active and healthy it is likely to be normal whatever your age. So if free testosterone levels are OK in borderline cases I encourage weight loss and lifestyle change where applicable and re-test after 12 months.
Compared with HRT in women, TRT is still in its infancy and there is fierce debate about the pros and cons. Studies suggest that in the short term men can expect a boost to their sex drive, more energy, stronger bones and improved physical and mental stamina. But at what cost? Potential worrying side effects range from acne and aggression to reduced fertility, and an increased risk of prostate cancer and heart disease. However the evidence is conflicting with some research suggesting that TRT protects against heart disease.
It may be a decade or more before we know for sure about the long term risks. In the meantime I would not even consider TRT unless I had a proven deficiency. You can access the latest guidelines on diagnosis and treatment at http://www.bssm.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/guidelines-on-adult-testosterone-deficiency-with-statements-for-uk-practice.pdf
Symptoms associated with low testosterone levels include:
- Loss of sex drive, difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection (including loss of early morning erection) and reduced orgasmic sensation
- Fatigue,poor sleep, hot flushes, night sweats, reduced physical strength and stamina and low mood
- Weight gain, particularly around the midriff (although, this can cause low testosterone as well as result from it)
- Decreased body hair and breast enlargement.
Edited to add: I have had lots of emails asking for specific advice on individual cases / interpret readings etc (see below) but really can’t give definitive answers on a blog. Medicine by email has its limitations, so please direct any clinical queries to your own GP / specialist. Thank you.
Excellent article, I listen to your R4 program when I can. I have Haemochromatosis which caused diabetes and made having children harder; plus several other chronic disorders.
I realise that the medication I am on has side effects, ( what medicines have NO side effects) but I reckon this topic is worthy of more exposure especially when so many men have problems that have a serious stigma attached, resulting in denial!
BTW both my boys have made me proud, one Engineer and one Physics Phd, well worth the indignation!!
Best wishes,
Jim Barr
Best is the enemy of good enough
Barrs law of recurcive futility:-
If you’re smart enough to use one of these…..
…..you can probably manage without one
i am suffering with 9 out of ten of the above, can you help me please
You will have to talk to your own doctor Cliff.
I have 11.2 testosterone levels, 63 estrogen levels but my SHGL are 94. My GP said no other action need to be taken cos my testosterone and estrogen levels are within range but I have read that if your SHGL are high the level of testosterone may not be true to how much testosterone is actually available. I also have terrible symptoms of low testosterone. I’m a 43 year old man.
Please can you help or advise, thank you Marcus.
I always do two assays Marcus – about six weeks apart and at 9am – and refer for specialist opinion if there is still doubt.
I am 72 years old and expect a slowing down of vitality but as my GP has referred me to the local Erectile dysfunction NHS unit I think she accepts this is not the issue here. Problem is the unit is subject to heavy demand so the waiting time is horrendous. Having no wish to introduce unnecessary drugs or supplements but on the other hand I have no wish for this problem to continue getting worse. I have seen you on Tv which I would think is some corroboration you are likely to give sound advice. So can you Help???
Not much I can add from here Peter (and your message has only just come through). One to pursue with your own GP.
“But used inappropriately to artificially boost levels in men who have normal levels can have the opposite effect by increasing the risk of an early heart attack (as confirmed by a recent study from the States) and possibly a range of other problems like stroke and cancer of the prostate.”
Hi, good info, do you have links to these studies relating to these negative effects?
Many thanks.
Here is one Paul
I suffer from erectile problems and difficulty maintaining an erection, I have recently had my levels checked at they came back at 15.9 n/mol although this is classed as a ‘normal range’ if you look at by age then my levels are the average of an 80 year old man when I am only 28. What are you thoughts with this?
Too high for TRT though. Did you have the test at 9am? If not check again. Are you overweight? If so try losing weight.
My son is 19 and has low T, his last test was at 9am fasting.. 6.60 nmol/L
It has now been low for 1 year, since first tested, pituitary gland tested came back clear.
He also has low Ferritin 8 ng.ml …
He lacks general drive in life, low energy, slight depression (not medicated) low concentration, fat displacement on back hip flanks, he seems to have little interest in girls.
Please advise.
Apologies for very late reply but I assume he has seen an endocrinologist?
Hi Mark
I am 26 and have had 2 lots of bloods taken recently. first came back at 13.5 n/mol and second at 13.1 n/mol. both were taken at or as close to 9am. i though for 26 that is pretty low and would put me in the 5th percentile. i am not overweight and workout 3 days a week and rest adequately. could there be a possibility of low T? i know im a little above the reference range but surley it would be worth looking at. i have 2 children and i feel they are suffering because of my low energy and like you have said ‘enjoyment of life’.
Many thanks
That is normal – albeit on the low side. Not low enough for TRT and there could be other causes.
One to pursue with your own GP.
Sorry for late reply – in my Spam folder
Hi. I have been to my doctor before with the though my T levels were low. I was told at the time they were within the ‘normal’ range. My symptoms have gotten worse. I have zero sex drive. Last time I had intercourse was 3 months ago and was forced by my wife to take a blue pill. All good for the mechanics but if you’re not interested in sex you’re just are not interested. I rarely get erections. If I’m lucky I master bate 1-2 per month. I can’t be bothered. I feel tired all the time and lack focus. My sleep is rubbish. I don’t feel I have energy to exercise any more and despite dieting and trying to keep below 1500 kCal per day I can’t seem to shift weight. It’s all very depressing. I recently had another blood test to tell me my levels were 11.8nmol/l. This is still within the normal range and my NHS GP still insists it’s within the normal range – albeit at the lower end. The range I was told was between 10-30. I asked what the demographics were for the levels agreed. He could not tell me so assume those levels considered normal come from samples collected from men of any age (20-100), of any BMI, if they smoke or drink or even have diabetes. From what I can see my level is that of the average expected from a man aged between 85-100. Indeed I feel that old. I am 47. What can I do?
Not much I can add (and sorry it so late but in Spam). I would not start TRT for people in the normal range and be inclined to look elsewhere to start with. But a private referral to and endocrinologist may settle it either way with further testing.
I’m 32 and i have been experiencing low Libido and general fatigue for 12 months and made the decision to have Test checked, I scored 5.2 and then 6.5 after GP tested me 1 week apart. I have been referred to an Endocrinologist who has talked about the option of a Testosterone replacement Gel. My concerns are around the Fertility issues that are associated with taking TRT, what are your thoughts around the fertility side of things?
Sorry this has only just come through. I hope by now you have seen the endocrinologist and received the answer.
To an extent, it’s a lottery. My former GP put me on testogel with perfect results. When he left the practice, the next GP discontinued it, trying a range of other treatments that had no effect or bad side effects. GPs mostly do not read the guidelines from Royal Societies and endocrinologists on this, they just go by the rule of thumb which is based on tests alone rather than tests and symptoms. People live through years of hell consequently.
I have had unexplained fatigue recently and had full blood tests to try and find the cause. Most bloods were OK, except ldl at 3.3 (serum cholesterol was 5.8). On Liver results my GGT was high at 96 and my urate was 606 (I have gout!). HB1AC was in normal non diabetic range.
I have also noticed variable libido over the last two years and requested testosterone test too (I had seminoma 15yrs ago). My serum test came in at 9.7 and my SHBG 21. My Doc says within normal range but it seems normal figure for a 100 yr old man. Could this be the cause of my fatigue and inconsistent libido do you think?
Sorry, just received this. Hard to comment. At 100 fatigue and poor libido are to be expected to some degree – albeit unwelcome.
One to pursue with your own GP as there could be myriad other causes.
Hi. I was given low doses of amitriptyline to combat Tension headaches (caused by sleep issues). My sex drive died with 5 weeks and despite coming off the drug its never recovered. I did a private postal T test and got a level of 5.6 N/MOL. I followed up with my own GP and an NHS bloodtest showed a level of 8.6. My GP absolutely refuses to go down the testosterone treatment route due to increased cardio vascular risks.
Any recommendations on who is best to see privately (which branch of medicine)? My general feeling from reading forums is the NHS is very reluctant to proscribe testosterone treatment in any circumstances
Sorry, just seen this. You should ask to be referred to an endocrinologist. I never start TRY with an endocrinologist opinion / support.
Hi, I am 19 years old who has a testosterone levels at 8.o nmol/L, tested multiple times, based on my LH and FSH the problem is due to my pituitary gland not working. I have been on trt for a year, and recently tried a restart but it failed to work. I was hoping you could tell me of some specialists In the UK I could contact.
Sorry, just seen this.
You should be under an endocrinologist. Your GP will be able to refer you.
Ive been suffering with ED for a few years now , but the strangest thing is I have no sex drive at all , It seemed to disappear once the ED started and has not come back.
I had all my levels checked and I raised the HIGH SHGB score with my urologist who said it was completely normal.
Could you please give me your thoughts on my results?
Results Were as follows:
Serum LX level = 7 iu/l ( range 1.0 – 9.0 )
Serum follicle stimulating hormone level = 9.0 ui/l ( range 1.0 – 10.0 )
Serum Testosterone Level = 20nmol ( range 9.4 – 37.0 )
Serum Sex Hormone binding globulin level = 60 ( range 15.0 – 40.0 )
Calculated Free Testosterone 268.9 pmol/l
I was blood tested with results of 4n/mol. I came to my conclusion after some real disturbing thoughts, slight depression, zero tolerance and a dead penis!
I use a prescription gel, it work good.
I am 45 very healthy and work out/run quite a bit, atleast 3 hours per week.
The problem is trying to get tested properly in the first place. GPs are reluctant to perform the test which leads people to tests and treatment by mail.
At least in the US you can get whatever tests you want if your insurer covers it or are willing to pay.
Is the best way to get one in the UK to find a private GP and pay the bill?
Will any tests by mail be accurate?
An NHS GP will do the test if you have suggestive symptoms. But it needs to be done at 9am – or thereabouts. And repeated if low / borderline to confirm result.
I’m a 38 year old male, displaying symptoms of ED. I’ve had my test results back from my GP, which revealed total testosterone of 19.5 nmol.
As the test was taken at approx. 10.am, am I safe to assume my actual levels are higher than this and the ED problem lies elsewhere? In addition, do you have any info as what to the average hourly drop in testosterone is each hour from 9am (for men in my age group)?
That is a perfectly normal reading – 10am is close enough to 9am not to be significantly different result wise.
You can be pretty confident your issues are not testosterone related.
One to pursue with your own GP please.
I have just seen my GP to review my test results for low testosterone. On a scale of 8 to 30 she says that I am 29. I am 69 years old and I display all the symptoms of lowT. Has my GP misread the results do you think? Maybe my level is 2.9 not 29. It certainly feels like it. How can a GP not take in to consideration the age of the patient. If I was 19 I would expect that level, but not at 69. Can you offer any advice?
That is a reassuring result Ray – particularly considering your age. It is possible to misread results in theory, but abnormally low (or high) ones are generally asterisked or in red to avoid such mistakes.
Low T type symptoms can be caused by lots of other issues and I would look elsewhere based on that reading.
I have been tested several times total and free testosterone. Always Low.
Total test: 4.5,8.3,7.3,8.7
I dont understand how my numbers can change from 4.5 to 8.7?
Always tested in morning.
I have ED problems. Doctor and endo will only prescribe viagra and anti-d.
28 years old. Not overweight and exercise 3 times a week.
Shall I see second opinion or private clinic?
Best regards
Testosterone levels do vary so it is not unusual to get results like yours – although they are low.
Your first port of call should be to ask your GP why the endocrinologist felt testosterone supplementation would not be advisable / required. He/she is much better placed than me to advise.
Or ask to see another endocrinologist privately for a second opinion.
Good luck
Thank you very much:)
I will seek a second opinion in a private clinic.
Hi Mark. I’m surprised that nobody has mentioned free T which is more indicative than total T. This depends on how high the sex hormone binding globulin is. I have high total t (22) but high shbg (60, with the normal range being 17-55). This means my free t, (i.e. the available hormone not bound to shbg) is 320 which is in the bottom half of the normal range (200-650). Background: I’m 28, run for miles, don’t drink or smoke. Health freak, yet still have distressing symptoms of low T.
It can be an issue (mainly in older men) but your SHBG is only just above normal and your free T is well into the normal range. I would look elsewhere for the cause of your symptoms.
Hi i went to see my GP regarding ED issues, he sent me for a testosterone blood check which came back with 3.8nmol/l, he has referred me to an endocrinologist and ordered a repeat blood test also. If the level remains this low would i be offered TRT? i’m 31 with congenital heart disease two mechanical heart valves & take warfarin. I felt awful for quite some time but put it down to my heart condition. My concern is that my cardiac history may make him nervous although i don’t have coronary artery disease, it’s a structural defect. Physically i’m relatively slim, exercise a few times a week, balanced diet etc
Any information and opinion welcomed
Hi, my husband has 7 of the above symptoms and recently went to a London clinic for TRT. His levels of testosterone were 8.3. He had a Nebido injection. My question is, does it have to cost this much money? It was £700 for the consultation and tests then another £800 for the 10 week injection, it will cost another £700-800 every 10 weeks. Can you get it on nhs or private insurance
Interesting reading this article. For 18 months I’ve had terrible low irritable moods, feeling a bit spaced out, no energy and vanished labido. Recent T blood test came back as Total Test = 11.4 (just in normal) but more relevant Free test = 1.92 (in the red marked as low). My SHBG is not marked as elevated. I’ve had another NHS test (they refused to check free T) and it came back at 14. I wonder if it’s dipping in and out of low. So you can have a low free T with a supposed normal Total T without elevated sHBG
I’m 40, very active, slim, don’t drink or smoke and lead a relatively healthy lifestyle.
Based on those readings I would probably look elsewhere for an explanation – not least depression (more common and easy to miss).
Very Informative